The “INTclass” website is a multimedia science tool for the promotion of three main foreign language learning contexts: study abroad (SA), immersion (IM) and formal instruction (FI). It aims to help in appropriately mobilising students to step out confidently from their international classroom and into the global job market.
This website provides information, advice and self-training activities for teachers, learners and institutions who want to make the most out of language learning and cultural development.
The INTclass Team

Carmen Pérez-Vidal
Coordinator and main researcher

Leah Geoghegan
Project Manager and main writer

Cèlia Fenollosa
Video coordinator

Maria Gené Gil
Translation coordinator

Caterina Calafat Ripoll
Expert Interviewees
Carmen Pérez Vidal – Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Lisa Gilbert Odell – Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Guilhem Naro – Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Maria Naro geb.Wirf – Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Juana Muñoz Liceras – University of Ottawa
Roger Gilabert Guerrero – Universitat de Barcelona
Joan Carles Mora – Universitat de Barcelona
Francisco Lorenzo – Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Elisabet Pladevall Ballester – Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona
Beyza Björkman – Stockholm University
Ester Oliveras – Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Thomas Somers – Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Jennifer Ament – Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Robert De Keyser – University of Maryland
María Juan Garau – Universitat de les Illes Balears
Ana Pellicer-Sanchez – UCL Institute of Education
Rafael Alejo González – Universidad de Extremadura
Helena Roquet – Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
Student Interviewees
Astrid Vidal i Vrijens
Blanca Poy
Celia Fenollosa
Cinta Bertomeu
Diego Pietrobono
Elena Vergés
Judit Vilalta
Mariona González
Anonymous student 1
Anonymous student 2
Anonymous student 3
Website and technical support
Marc M. de Foix
Roger P. Gironès
We are grateful to the experts and students interviewed, to Liz Machin as Activities Creator and researcher (including the Discussion with stakeholders (see also Machin, L., 2015)), and to Iván Jiménez, for his help in setting up the website at the UPF. We are also indebted to the Recercaixa project led by Dr. Pilar Prieto and Dr. Laura Bosch: ‘The precursors of language: a guide to parents and educators’, as they have been a source of inspiration for our work. For more information on the UPF INTclass team you can visit our website:
“INTclass” has been funded by the Ministry of Education and Competitiveness as a coordinated project led by Dr. Carmen Pérez Vidal (UPF subproject led by Dr. Carmen Pérez Vidal: FFI2013 – 48640 – C2 – 1- P; UIB subproject led by Dr. Maria Juan-Garau (FFI2013 – 48640 – C2 – 2- P).